

Sorry. Been super busy at work so I haven't posted anything for a while. Tonight I will try to get it done. Addy has been a little booger and isn't sleeping AGAIN! She seriously wakes up like 2 to 5 times a night and this morning she got up at 5:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep! So, she helped mom do her makeup and hair and played in the tub for a while....makes me so mad!! I tell her if she wasn't so cute I'd give her away! Not really tho'! So, tonight we are trying a new way. I am not going in there at all! When I do go in she is worse off than if I just let her figure it out....ya, we will see how this works! It doesn't help that Dutch tells me to just go get her because he can't stand her crying...or is it that he can't sleep? :0) That's my vote! Well, wish me luck! I'll need it I'm sure!


camie said...

oh man, no sleep is the worst. seriously!
you must read 'healthy sleeping habits, happy child'- i think wendi already recommended it to you...
anyway, it was my baby bible when joel was little and i know it has info for all ages.

addy is super cute. i can't believe how fast they grow...

Unknown said...

Missy, i also recommend that book. Allison Blackham gave it to me before i had Corbin and it's full of great help. Don't go in there! Corbin has been sleeping through the night since he was 9 weeks old! you can do it. it's hard to hear them cry, so i go outside or take a shower. good luck lady