Well, the tubes are AMAZING!!! Addy has slept for 4 nights in a row all night! HORRAY!! I can't even tell you how happy I am to know she isn't in pain or irritated. It makes me very glad that I never just let her sit and "cry it out". Must be mothers intuition, or whatever you call that, I knew she wasn't just being a little brat!! :) Or atleast I hoped not. So, if you ever need a good ear, nose throat specialist go to Dr. Hinckley in Idaho Falls. HE IS AMAZING!
Dr. McMaster, didn't do a dang thing for me but bill me $200....Lindsey, call Hinckley! :)
Hope everyone is doing good, gotta get back to work, I have literally 120 presents to wrap!! I am the Chirstmas Elf at Ball Ventures!