In the NICU 4 hours old
Mason Dutch Pocock
Born February 26th 6:55 am
6 lbs 4 oz 18 inches
He is absolutely adorable and perfect!! My labor and delivery was a nightmare...lets just say the doctor was a moron and I had him totally natural!! And I DO NOT recommend that!! :) Luckily he came fast and is doing great! I think we totally traumatized Dutch between me and Mason he was a little worn out. He was 3 weeks early and didn't want to breathe so he spent 4 days in the NICU. I can't even tell you how hard it was to leave the hospital without him...I bawled. I do not know how people do it for weeks and months. Addy is the best big sister I could ask for and has been amazing! She is a great help...sometimes too much help but we have to be patient with her. So all is well I will keep updating as Mason is napping :)