In the NICU 4 hours old
Mason Dutch Pocock
Born February 26th 6:55 am
6 lbs 4 oz 18 inches
He is absolutely adorable and perfect!! My labor and delivery was a nightmare...lets just say the doctor was a moron and I had him totally natural!! And I DO NOT recommend that!! :) Luckily he came fast and is doing great! I think we totally traumatized Dutch between me and Mason he was a little worn out. He was 3 weeks early and didn't want to breathe so he spent 4 days in the NICU. I can't even tell you how hard it was to leave the hospital without him...I bawled. I do not know how people do it for weeks and months. Addy is the best big sister I could ask for and has been amazing! She is a great help...sometimes too much help but we have to be patient with her. So all is well I will keep updating as Mason is napping :)
He is sooo cute. Congratulations. It is always nice to shave time off of pregnancy when they are healthy. I have had it go both ways though. 6 lb. 4 oz. is exactly what Garrett weighed, born 4 weeks early, and he was fine. Zach was also born 4 weeks early, he weighed 6lb. 9 oz. and had to spend 7 days in the NICU. It was the worst to leave him. I didn't get any rest for a week straight. It was so exhausting. I went up for every daytime feeding (7 am-11 pm) every 3 hours and it took about 2 hours to feed and change and burp him and drive there and walk in and it was really like I only had 1 hour in between the feedings, which was barely time to get home and have a snack and go back. My mom came everyday and watched the other kids so I was able to go, but it was a nightmare. I still remember it vividly. So glad he is home now and you are enjoying him. Hopefully you got more rest during those 4 days than I did.
Congrats! What a handsome little guy! It's so fun to watch how much love the other sibling has for a new baby, melts your heart! Little boys are so fun, Congrats again!
Miss- Wow. Has it really been 7 months? Time flies. What a beautiful baby. Congratulations! I bet Addy is loving him. We'd love to get together one of these days. Do you think our dreams are telling us something? Remember when I texted you because you were in my dream? haha. I don't have a phone at the moment (lost it) so I don't have your number. I'll have to get it from you again. Email me.
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