
9 Months Old Today

Can you believe Addy is 9 months old today!?
Well, it had to happen some time I guess, Addy got her first ear infection on Sunday! And let me tell you that it was the longest night of my life! I felt so bad she just kept crying and crying and wouldn't stop....which isn't like her at all. Of course Dutch had no idea anything was going on until I went in and told him I was taking her for a drive at 2 am....that was the only thing that made her stop crying. I just kept thinking it was her teeth and never even thought about her ears. So after driving around in a delirious state with Addy is back crying and me in my PJ's with no makeup crying, I was just waiting to get pulled over! There is seriously not a soul in Rexburg Idaho at 2 am....or 3 am...we drove around for a while. I finally got Addy to go to sleep and carefully carried her up stairs and put her in her crib...she looked like a little angel laying there. I felt like the worst mom ever....especially when I took her to the Dr Monday and found out she had an infection! She is much better today after amoxicilin and ear drops...she is in good hands at Aunt Mary's.

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