
Big Girl

So Addy did the funniest thing last night....she was playing on the kitchen floor and scooted on her bum over to a drawer. I had been bouncing balls to her and she went over to get it but she couldn't help but notice the handle that looked oh so fun to pull on. I ran outside to flip the steaks on the grill and find little Addy bugs unloading the tupperware out of the drawer with the biggest smile on her face!! I started laughing so hard so she started laughing. It was the cutest. So I scoot her back so she won't shut her fingers in there and she threw the biggest fit! I died, she isnt' supposed to do that yet! So after I reasoned with her and let her play with the tupperware she was much better. I can't believe she is so big already....it's so fun to watch her grow and become her own little person. She has her own little personality and doesn't care if she gives you a dirty look if she wants....oh I can't wait until she is a teenager!! AHAHAHAH


Stewart Family said...

How cute. They develop little attitudes so quick. I think Addy is going to be a little fire cracker! Sounds like you are going to have your hands full when she starts crawling. Thanks for having us over to swim. We had so much fun.

Unknown said...

missy, so glad you found my blog. addy is so cute! she should be a baby model! maybe we'll see you at the spa!

Unknown said...

Hey there Missy!!
I found your blog on Wendis blog!!
I think Addy is really cute. You are so funny with your little stories. How is being a mom? Talk to ya soon.
Love ya Jules