
Jared went to the MTC

Can you believe my little baby brother went to the MTC?! It makes me sad to see him leave but he is going to be an amazing missionary! We had his farewell on Sunday and he did an awesome job! I was so proud of him. Monday night we all met at Gringo's (of course) and then went to his setting apart and said goodbye. It was the neated blessing I've ever heard! He has an amazing Stake President and he really did good. I cried the whole way home I was so sad to say good bye but I know he will be GREAT!! He is going to Mesa, Arizona. I love you bro!!


Annalee Taylor said...

That is crazy! My husband and I taught him in sunday school when he was in the 9th grade...crazy huh. I cant believe he is on a mission now, time flies.

Stewart Family said...

Sniff..sniff..I can't believe he is gone. He will do so good though!